Logo of University of Florence

University of Florence

Italy, Florence    See a map
P.zza S.Marco, 4 - 50121 Firenze

Welcome to the University of Florence

The University of Florence is one of the most important Italian public universities and has a strong international vocation.

It fosters cooperation with academic and research institutions all over the world and welcomes foreign teaching staff, researchers and students to promote cultural and scientific internationalization. To this end, through its Departments and Schools, the University promotes the hospitality of highly qualified guests from all over the world.

Moreover, it traditionally devotes particular attention to the development of collaborative relationships with foreign universities and to the process of internationalization, which has become a strategic and dominant aspect of the life of the university in research, teaching, the organization of study programmes, mobility of teachers, researchers and students.

For these reasons, the University of Florence qualifies itself as one of the privileged destinations for international guests.

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Welcome to the University of Florence

The University of Florence is one of the most important Italian public universities and has a strong international vocation.

It fosters cooperation with academic and research institutions all over the world and welcomes foreign teaching staff, researchers and students to promote cultural and scientific internationalization. To this end, through its Departments and Schools, the University promotes the hospitality of highly qualified guests from all over the world.

Moreover, it traditionally devotes particular attention to the development of collaborative relationships with foreign universities and to the process of internationalization, which has become a strategic and dominant aspect of the life of the university in research, teaching, the organization of study programmes, mobility of teachers, researchers and students.

For these reasons, the University of Florence qualifies itself as one of the privileged destinations for international guests.

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Economics and Development
Graduate, full-time
School of Economics and Management
Finance and risk management
Graduate, full-time
School of Economics and Management
Design of Sustainable Tourism Systems
Graduate, full-time
School of Economics and Management
Software: Science and Technology
Graduate, full-time
School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
Architettura (curriculum "Architectural design")
Graduate, full-time
School of Architecture
Graduate, full-time
School of Engineering
Relazioni internazionali e Studi europei
Graduate, full-time
School of Political Sciences "Cesare Alfieri"

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School of Economics and Management

Economics and Development
Graduate, full-time
School of Economics and Management
Finance and risk management
Graduate, full-time
School of Economics and Management
Design of Sustainable Tourism Systems
Graduate, full-time
School of Economics and Management
Accounting, Auditing e Controllo
Graduate, full-time
School of Economics and Management
Governo e direzione d'impresa
Graduate, full-time
School of Economics and Management
Scienze dell'economia
Graduate, full-time
School of Economics and Management
Statistica e data science
Graduate, full-time
School of Economics and Management

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School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences

Software: Science and Technology
Graduate, full-time
School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
Advanced Molecular Sciences
Graduate, full-time
School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
Data Science, Calcolo Scientifico & Intelligenza Artificiale
Graduate, full-time
School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
Scienze chimiche
Graduate, full-time
School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
Biologia molecolare e applicata
Graduate, full-time
School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
Scienze e Tecnologie geologiche
Graduate, full-time
School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
Biotecnologie molecolari
Graduate, full-time
School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences

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School of Architecture

Architettura (curriculum "Architectural design")
Graduate, full-time
School of Architecture
Urban and Regional Planning and Design for sustainability
Graduate, full-time
School of Architecture
Design Sistema Moda
Graduate, full-time
School of Architecture
Architettura del Paesaggio
Graduate, full-time
School of Architecture
Design per l'innovazione sostenibile
Graduate, full-time
School of Architecture
Architettura (curriculum "Progettazione dell'Architettura")
Graduate, full-time
School of Architecture

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School of Engineering

Graduate, full-time
School of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering for Sustainability
Graduate, full-time
School of Engineering
Ingegneria Meccanica
Graduate, full-time
School of Engineering
Ingegneria Informatica
Graduate, full-time
School of Engineering
Ingegneria dei Sistemi elettronici
Graduate, full-time
School of Engineering
Ingegneria Civile
Graduate, full-time
School of Engineering
Intelligenza artificiale
Graduate, full-time
School of Engineering

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School of Political Sciences "Cesare Alfieri"

Relazioni internazionali e Studi europei
Graduate, full-time
School of Political Sciences "Cesare Alfieri"
Strategie della comunicazione pubblica e politica
Graduate, full-time
School of Political Sciences "Cesare Alfieri"
Disegno e gestione degli interventi sociali
Graduate, full-time
School of Political Sciences "Cesare Alfieri"
Politica, Istituzioni e Mercato
Graduate, full-time
School of Political Sciences "Cesare Alfieri"
Sociologia e sfide globali
Graduate, full-time
School of Political Sciences "Cesare Alfieri"

School of Humanities and Education

Geography, Spatial Management, Heritage for International Cooperation
Graduate, full-time
School of Humanities and Education
Pratiche, linguaggi e culture della comunicazione
Graduate, full-time
School of Humanities and Education
Storia dell'arte
Graduate, full-time
School of Humanities and Education
Scienze dello Spettacolo
Graduate, full-time
School of Humanities and Education
Lingue e letterature europee e americane (track: Lingue, Letterature e Traduzione)
Graduate, full-time
School of Humanities and Education
Filologia moderna
Graduate, full-time
School of Humanities and Education
Lingue e Civiltà dell'Asia e dell'Africa
Graduate, full-time
School of Humanities and Education

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School of Agriculture

Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture
Graduate, full-time
School of Agriculture
Scienze e tecnologie agrarie
Graduate, full-time
School of Agriculture
Scienze e gestione delle risorse faunistico-ambientali
Graduate, full-time
School of Agriculture
Scienze e tecnologie dei sistemi forestali
Graduate, full-time
School of Agriculture
Food Design e Innovazione dei Prodotti Alimentari
Graduate, full-time
School of Agriculture

School of Human Health Sciences

Scienze e Tecniche dello sport e delle attività motorie preventive e adattate
Graduate, full-time
School of Human Health Sciences
Biotecnologie mediche e farmaceutiche
Graduate, full-time
School of Human Health Sciences
Scienze dell'alimentazione
Graduate, full-time
School of Human Health Sciences

School of law

Diritto per la sostenibilità e la sicurezza
Graduate, full-time
School of law

School of Psychology

Psicologia Clinica e della Salute e Neuropsicologia
Graduate, full-time
School of Psychology
Psicologia del Ciclo di Vita e dei Contesti
Graduate, full-time
School of Psychology
