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The master mechanical engineer is the professional figure of reference in the industrial sector, in which he represents the strategic resource that assumes and coordinates the main design, production and management functions, through a progressive diversification and specialization of roles and skills. The students of the Master’s degree are prepared to cover, with greater skills, responsibilities and autonomy, compared to the three-year graduates, the roles characterized by typical knowledge of mechanical engineering. This knowledge is obtained both from the compulsory courses and from the appropriate selection of courses of a restricted or free choice to complete the individual study plan.
The degree course in Mechanical Engineering is divided into six different orientations each with a specific profile:

- Mechanical Design, oriented to an advanced deepening of the methods and criteria of design, with specific profile related to mechanical design and innovation processes applied to it, also addressed to achievements of high complexity.
- Machines, oriented towards thermo-fluidodynamic studies and machine development, with a specific profile for turbomachines and volumetric machines in the industrial and non-industrial field, also addressed to highly complex realizations.
- Road Vehicles, aimed at the design and development of road vehicles and their propulsion systems, relating to two and four-wheeled road transport vehicles, in its various aspects of application, also aimed at highly complex projects.
- Railway Vehicles, addressed to the design and development of railway vehicles in their different application aspects, also addressed to highly complex realizations.
- Productive, oriented to the advanced management of the activities of analysis and engineering of production processes, to the application and implementation of the most modern production methods, as well as the development of projects and equipment for the improvement of the phases of the production process and / or assembly product.
- Robotics, oriented to the design and development of robotic systems in industry, with specific profile also related to skills in the field of automation and electronics.
- Aeronautical Propulsion, oriented to the design and development of propulsion systems for aeronautical use, with specific profile related to the use of gas turbines in different solutions for use in civil aviation.
- Models for industrial engineering, aimed at deepening the theoretical basis of industrial engineering, aims to pave the way for research in both academia and industry.

Career opportunities

The typical professional fields for graduate specialists in the class are those of innovation and development of production, advanced design, planning and scheduling, management of complex systems, both in the private sector and in manufacturing or service companies and in public administrations. Specialist graduates can find employment in mechanical and electromechanical industries, companies and institutions for the production and conversion of energy, plant engineering companies, industries for automation and robotics, manufacturing companies in general for the production, installation and testing, maintenance and management of machines, production lines and departments, complex systems. In order to respond to the needs of the various Interested Parties, with particular reference to local companies that show the greatest demand for second-level graduates in Mechanical Engineering, some roles have been identified and for the definition of the relative professional outlets reference has been made to the Nomenclature and Classification of Professional Units (NUP) identified by ISTAT. – Mechanical engineers. Mechanical Engineers carry out research or apply existing knowledge in the field of mechanics to design, design and control functionally, to produce and maintain instruments, engines, machines and other mechanical equipment; land, sea, air and aerospace means of transport, the mechanical parts of their propulsion systems and energy production. They supervise and direct these activities, conduct research and studies on the technological characteristics of the materials used and their production processes.

Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
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15 Sept 2025
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17 Mar 2025
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16 May 2025, 23:59:59
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15 Sept 2025
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7 Jul 2025
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15 Sept 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application period has ended
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15 Sept 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application start
17 Mar 2025
Application deadline
16 May 2025, 23:59:59
Studies commence
15 Sept 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application start
7 Jul 2025
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Studies commence
15 Sept 2025