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Lingue e Civiltà dell'Asia e dell'Africa

Application fee €20 one-timeConvert

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EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES The Course of Studies of Languages and Civilizations of Asia and Africa intends to train specialists starting from the basis of the linguistic, philological, literary, historical and archaeological teachings offered, which are articulated both in the ancient and in the modern-contemporary sphere. The degree course aims to provide the student with an in-depth, methodological and historical preparation in linguistic, philological and literary studies, through a solid knowledge of ancient and / or medieval and / or modern written sources; the autonomous ability to deal with, understand, analyze and translate original texts and documents; a certain competence in at least one language and civilization of those continents; the ability to use their knowledge and skills both in the specific field of literary studies and in the professional fields indicated below; the ability to classify and analyze data, formulating one’s own conclusions. It also aims to provide advanced scientific, theoretical, methodological and operational skills relating to the historical-archaeological sector; the ability to independently address aspects and problems inherent in research in the specialized disciplines necessary for their training the capacity for analysis and synthesis, critical sense and autonomy of judgment; the ability to communicate, in written or oral form, one’s skills to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors, based on the mastery of at least one European Union language besides Italian and of at least one Asian or African language, with reference also to lexicons disciplinary; finally, the Degree Program intends to develop in students the ability to critically use the main IT tools in the specific areas of competence and telematic communication – from the search for thematic bibliographies to the consultation of online sources, where available. Crucial sectors are included here for the understanding of the modern world and its transformations combined with the study of the ancient and multifaceted heritage from which the European culture has partly sprung. The course thus organized intends to respond to the needs of the new generations of university students increasingly open to the languages and civilizations of Asia and Africa and allows them to acquire knowledge that is the necessary and indispensable premise for the integration process and intercultural dialogue.

Career opportunities

Career opportunities
Professional opportunities for graduates of the Master’s Degree are foreseen in the cultural sectors of national, international and supranational public and private bodies; skills are also acquired for diplomatic careers, in particular for the function of cultural attaché. These professional activities include collaboration in the establishment of museums and libraries of a specialized nature and in the work of setting up exhibitions, cataloging, etc. Other collaborations will be possible at reception offices of municipalities and regions, non-governmental organizations, cooperatives, consultancy offices of companies engaged in activities and relationships with countries of the Afro-Asian area or with their citizens or institutions present in Italy.
Graduates of the Laurea Magistrale will have access to the world of education: they can envisage teaching in school as an occupation, once the teaching qualification process has been completed and the competitions required by current legislation have been passed. They will also be able to collaborate specifically in training and communication activities on paper, audiovisual support (literary and historical research for public and private institutions and preparation of radio and television programs) and computer science by processing the documentation transmitted by the great ancient oriental cultures, medieval and modern.
Skills are acquired for the organization of conferences and cultural events.
Outlets are also foreseen in journalism and publishing, with particular regard to the literary translation sector.
They will be able to provide collaborations in the tourism sector.
They will participate in archaeological campaigns, in field research, according to the specificity of the acquired skills.

Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application period has ended
Studies commence
15 Sept 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application start
17 Mar 2025
Application deadline
16 May 2025, 23:59:59
Studies commence
15 Sept 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application start
7 Jul 2025
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Studies commence
15 Sept 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application period has ended
Studies commence
15 Sept 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application start
17 Mar 2025
Application deadline
16 May 2025, 23:59:59
Studies commence
15 Sept 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application start
7 Jul 2025
This intake is not applicable
Studies commence
15 Sept 2025