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The master of science degree in Civil Engineering completes the academic preparation of the bachelor student graduated in Civil and Environmental Engineering and similar. The master graduate is professionally qualified to set up, carry out and manage complex design activities with strong design and planning capabilities. The graduate is able to deal with territory and existing structures protection and to design new structures following the most innovative methods of civil engineering.
The target of the degree course is to train a complete, cultural and professional figure with a solid base education and a great expertise acquired in a specific sector of Civil Engineering.
To achieve this target three programs are available: structure, infrastructure and territory.
The first year is useful to complete the bachelor courses in technical planning, structures sites organization, numerical mathematics and it is in common for the three programs. The second year provides specialized knowledges in different sectors of civil engineering such as structures, hydraulics, infrastructures and geotechnics.
The Structures program especially includes courses of structural engineering that make the graduate skilled in analysis, design, building, maintenance, stabilization and restoration of civil and industrial structures or large works such as bridges, tunnels and dams.
The Infrastructures program is finalized to deepen knowledges relating to the infrastructure engineering (streets, rails and airports). It trains graduates that will be expert in analysis, design, building, maintenance and management of large transport network and also of secondary and urban roads.
The Territory program is aimed to specialize the graduate in hydraulics engineering and in geotechnics engineering. The competences within the hydraulics engineering are concerned with the analysis, design,building and management of works, in qualitative and energetic exploitation of water resources, in hydraulic protection of the territory and its structures and infrastructures, in waste management and contaminated sites remediation. The competences in geotechnical engineering, are concerned with the geotechnical problems related to individual works, such as the evaluation of bearing capacity and caves of shallow and deep foundations, the interaction between soil, foundation and structure, the design of excavation retaining works, embankments, tunnels and also related to large scale problems such as slope stability, seismic micro-zoning and local seismic response.
The importance of the security of the above mentioned works, their large diffusion, the relevance and the growing attention to natural hazards (geotechnical, seismic, wind and hydraulics) and to the land planning and management create a wide field of action for the master graduate in Civil Engineering.

Career opportunities

The master graduate in Civil Engineering acquire also the cultural elements needed to interact with other professional figures, not only in the civil, environ- mental and industrial engineering fields but also in geological, geophysical, architectural and urbanistic fields, and the design tools necessary to propose solutions for civil engineering problems at different spatial scales.

Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application period has ended
Studies commence
15 Sept 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application deadline
16 May 2025, 23:59:59
Studies commence
15 Sept 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application start
7 Jul 2025
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Studies commence
15 Sept 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application period has ended
Studies commence
15 Sept 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application deadline
16 May 2025, 23:59:59
Studies commence
15 Sept 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application start
7 Jul 2025
This intake is not applicable
Studies commence
15 Sept 2025